Implementasi Smart Technology Pada Ruang Kelas Kampus III, Universitas Bung Hatta Berbasis Arduino


  • Muhamad Ridho Utama
  • Eddy Soesilo
  • Arnita ,




Smart Technology is a combination of multiple control systems, control systems are interconnected with other control systems. Smart Technology is designed to meet the demands of the users will comfort some classrooms, such as the use of automated electrical equipment and monitoring lecturer in presenting the material with the latest methods through CCTV or infokus used, and the use of class schedule that has been set. Smart Technology consists of two main processes, which the NFC (Near Field Communication) function as to activate the system and Finger Print, DHT11, as well as the LDR input for controlling the temperature of the classroom. Input data through NFC lecturers and students of the Finger Print and use of classroom time will be saved directly into a database that will be sent directly to the computer room of leaders using arduino connected by ethernet shield.

Keywords : Smart Technology, Database, Arduino.


