
  • Herman Pani, Nasfryzal Carlo Rini Mulyani


The territory of the Republic of Indonesia has the potential of natural and non-natural disasters, this is
due to natural conditions, ethnic diversity, culture and social conditions. This disaster occurs
triggered by factors; geology, hydrometeorology, biology, technological failure, and human activities.
(2) Disaster with moderate threat level is flood, landslide, Gampabumi, fire, drought, (3) Disaster with
level threats that are currently `not defined are social disasters, People are lost / drowned. As a result
of the disaster there has been material losses, casualties, infrastructure damage. To reduce disaster
risks, the Kerinci Disaster Management Plan has been prepared for the period of 2013-2018 which is
guided by law, government regulation, ministerial regulations / Head of BNPB Regulation, Perda or
Perbub . Kerinci and relevant legislation. The purpose of this research is to determine the
effectiveness of Implementation of Kerinci Disaster Insurance Policy (2) to find Recommendation of
alternative change of Disaster Prevention Policies of Kerinci Regency which is effective in this case
the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Kerinci Regency as a place of data collection, document
and other research activities with types and sources of data comprising; Primary data obtained from
the focus group discussion to obtain the identification of findings and assessment of policy
effectiveness, secondary data obtained from the drafting team and policy makers Regional Disaster
Prevention Plan Kerinci District in the form of reports on the condition of the region, disaster to
determine the threat, the resilience of the disaster area. The research method used is descriptive
evaluative with the population and sample representatives of elements involved or affected by the
disaster. Expected results from this study: Effectiveness of Implementation and Recommendations
Alternative changes to Kerinci District Disaster Management Policy are effective.


