Pengaruh Komitmen Karir terhadap Kesuksesan Karir dengan Pesepsi Emosi sebagai variabel Moderasi
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of career commitment on career success with emotional perception as a population variable. This study was a non-permanent employee at the Padang Population and Civil Registry Office with a sample of 30 respondents. The hypothesis proposed in this study are: 1. career commitment positively influences career success, 2. career commitment negatively influences emotional perception, 3. Emotional perception negatively affects career success and, 4. Emotional perception moderates the relationship between career commitment and success career. Data is collected through questionnaires distributed to correspondents and then analyzed using PLS (Partial Least Squre). The results of this study are that career commitment has a positive effect on career success and career commitment also has a negative effect on emotional perception where the higher employee career commitment, the lower the emotional perception felt by the employee or vice versa the lower career commitment, the higher his emotional perception. And for the R square value of 0.687 which means that employee career success is explained by career commitment, emotional perception and its reaction of 68.7%. Keywords: Emotion Perception, Career commitment, and Career success Type of article: Research article##submission.downloads##