Pengaruh Modal Psikologis terhadap Komitmen Karir dengan Kesejahteraan Subjektif sebagai Variabel Moderasi pada Pegawai Biro Pemerintahan Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Barat
This study aims to investigate the effect of psychological capital and subjective well being on career commitment among public servant. Besides, this study also determine the role of subjective well being as moderating variabel between psychological capital and career commitment. We use thirty-three respondents in work section government Regional Secretariat of West Sumatra Province. Using the structural equation model (SEM) with smart-pls approach, we find that psychological capital has a positive relationship with the career commitment. However, subjective well being as independent variabels does not have a significant relationship with career commitment. In addition, subjective well being as moderating variable also does not influence the career commitment. This study has a practical and theoritical contribution and they are discussed.Kata kunci: kesejahteraan subjektif, komitmen karir,modal psikologis
Jenis artikel: artikel penelitian.