
  • Ferli Fajri, Eni Kamal, Harfiandri Damanhuri.


Mangrove ecosystems are a form of ecosystem that has certain uniqueness and special characteristics, which have high economic and ecological value because they can be used as ecotourism areas or alternative tourism objects. Apar Village is a village that has great ecotourism potential, especially in its mangrove ecosystem. This study aims to reveal and describe the implementation of mangrove ecotourism in Apar Village as an alternative tourism. The method used is a qualitative descriptive study that emphasizes process, not limited to data collection and compilation, but includes data analysis and interpretation. Ecotourism has 3 perspectives, firstly ecotourism as a product that is all objects based on natural resources, secondly ecotourism as a container for environmental preservation, thirdly ecotourism as an approach to tourism development which is a model of utilizing, managing environmentally friendly and sustainable tourism resources. The combination of tourism elements and education elements in tourism activities in the Apar Village mangrove ecosystem is very possible and provides many benefits where with educational tourism tourists gain knowledge of the natural environment, especially about mangrove ecosystems that can be implemented in the development of the Apar Village mangrove ecotourism as an alternative tourism.

Keywords: Mangrove ecosystems, Apar Village, Ecotourism

Mangrove ecosystems are a form of ecosystem that has certain uniqueness and special characteristics, which have high economic and ecological value because they can be used as ecotourism areas or alternative tourism objects. Apar Village is a village that has great ecotourism potential, especially in its mangrove ecosystem. This study aims to reveal and describe the implementation of mangrove ecotourism in Apar Village as an alternative tourism. The method used is a qualitative descriptive study that emphasizes process, not limited to data collection and compilation, but includes data analysis and interpretation. Ecotourism has 3 perspectives, firstly ecotourism as a product that is all objects based on natural resources, secondly ecotourism as a container for environmental preservation, thirdly ecotourism as an approach to tourism development which is a model of utilizing, managing environmentally friendly and sustainable tourism resources. The combination of tourism elements and education elements in tourism activities in the Apar Village mangrove ecosystem is very possible and provides many benefits where with educational tourism tourists gain knowledge of the natural environment, especially about mangrove ecosystems that can be implemented in the development of the Apar Village mangrove ecotourism as an alternative tourism.

Keywords: Mangrove ecosystems, Apar Village, Ecotourism


