The recording of 100% Electronic Resident Identity Card (e-KTP) is one of the targets for the performance of population administration services set by Nawacita or the RPJMN 2015-2019. Until the end of December 2019 the achievement of recording e-KTP in West Sumatra Province is 96.26% of the 3,883,189 residents required to do KTP. In providing e-KTP services of Population and Civil Registry Regency/City Office needs support, collaboration with stakeholders. This study aims to identify stakeholders who collaborate and describe the collaborative process of the Population and Civil Registry Regency/City Office in West Sumatra Province. This type of descriptive qualitative research, the source of the data is the informant namely the Head of Population and Civil Registry Regency/City Office and staff. Data collection methods use documentation, interviews and observations. The results showed that: 1) Actors who collaborate varied from the ranks of government at all levels (central, provincial, district /city, sub district, village), private elements and civil society. 2) The collaborative process is seen from the dynamics of collaboration, collaborative actions, and the impact and adaptation on the collaboration process that occurs by involving stakeholder actors. Practical suggestions on the collaboration process should be improved in population administration services where e-KTP services have been shown to have the expected impact on improving the performance of public services. Theoretical suggestions need to be continued studies related to leadership dimensions, human resource capacity, service innovation and the performance of the Population and Civil Registry Regency / City Office in population administration services.
Keywords: Kolaborasi, Stakeholder, Pelayanan Kartu Tanda Penduduk, Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil