Struktur Vegetasi Hutan Mangrove Di Dusun Totoet Desa Saibi Samukop Kecamatan Siberut Tengah Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai


  • Abdul . Latif
  • Eni Kamal
  • Suardi Mahmud Lasibani


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa struktur vegetasi hutan mangrove di Dusun Totoet Desa Saibi Samukop Kecamatan Siberut Tengah Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai dan pelaksanaan penelitian adalah pada bulan April – Mei 2017. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei, dimana data diperoleh langsung dari lapangan dengan metode line transect dan plot yang diambil pada 3 (tiga) transek pengamatan. Untuk pengukuran mangrove tingkat pohon dengan menggunakan transek 10 x 10 m, Sapling 5 x 5 m, dan seedling 1 x 1 m. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 5 (lima) family dan 8 (delapan) spesies dimana 3 (tiga) family dan 6 (enam) spesies ditemukan dalam transek yaitu, Combretaceae (Lumnitzera littorea), Meliaceae (Xylocarpus granatum), Rhizophoraceae (Brugueira gymnorrhiza, Ceriops tagal, Rhizaphora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata), 2 (dua) family dan 2 (dua) spesies mangrove ditemukan diluar transek pengamatan yaitu, Acanthaceae (Acrostichum speciosum), Aracaceae (Nypa fruticans). Indek Nilai Penting mangrove tingkat pohon B. gymnorrhiza 62,36 %,.C. Tagal 30,23 %.L. littorea 5,94 %. R. apiculata 108,77 %. R. mucronata 86,42 %, X. granatum 6,29 %. Indek Nilai Penting rata-rata tingkat anakan B. gymnorrhiza 30,80 %. C. tagal 17,73 %. R. apiculata 157,60 %. R. mucronata 86,80 %. X. granatum 7,07. Indek Nilai Penting rata-rata tingkat semai B. gymnorrhiza 45,63 %. R. apiculata 63,64 %. R. mucronata 90,73 %. Kerapatan (pohon/ha) mangrove dengan jumlah ketiga transek pengamatan adalah 44 plot dengan rata-rata 1442 (pohon/ha) termasuk dalam kriteria sedang dengan ketentuan nilai baku kerapatan ≥ 1000 - < 1500 (pohon/ha). Kata Kunci : Kerapatan, Mangrove, Vegetasi ABSTRACT This study aims to identify and analyze the structure of mangrove forest vegetation in Totoet Hamlet Saibi Samukop vilage in the middle of Central Siberut Subdistrict Mentawai Islands Regency. And the implementation of this research was from April to May 2017. Design of this research was survey method, Data ware collected through obtained directly from the field with line transect method and plot taken on three observation transects. The researcher measured mangrove in tree level by using transect 10 x 10 meters, Sapling 5 x 5 meters, and seedling 1 x 1 meters. Based on the results, the researcher found in five families and eight species where three families dan six species found in observation transects of Combretaceae (Lumnitzera littorea), Meliaceae (Xylocarpus granatum), Rhizophoraceae (Brugueira gymnorrhiza, Ceriops tagal, Rhizaphora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata), two families and two species found out observation transects those are, Acanthaceae (Acrostichum speciosum), Aracaceae (Nypa fruticans). Important value Index of mangrove tree level B. gymnorrhiza 62.36%,. C. Tagal 30.23% .L. littorea 5.94%. R. apiculata 108.77%. R. mucronata 86.42%, X. granatum 6.29%. Important value Index mangrove level of sapling of B. gymnorrhiza 30.80%. C. tagal 17.73%. R. apiculata 157.60%. R. mucronata 86.80%. X. granatum 7.07. Important value Index mangrove average rate of seedling B. gymnorrhiza 45.63%. R. apiculata 63.64%. R. mucronata 90.73%. The density (tree/ha) of mangroves based on third observation transects were 44 plots with an average of 1442 (tree/ha) included in medium criteria with the standard density requirement ≥ 1000 - <1500 (tree/ha).

