
  • Welya Roza




Indonesian is one of the three pillars of the Youth Pledge vows October 28, 1928, in addition to the nation and the homeland of Indonesia. After traveling the nation and homeland Indonesia experienced periods of crisis are complex to address Indonesian be the last pillar that should be saved in terms of its contribution in shaping the character of the Indonesian nation. This task should be carried out as well as possible despite fairly heavy for teachers and teachers' institute printer. 1945 Constitution mandates that Indonesian is the national language, as well as the state language. Every citizen is obliged to use Indonesian well and correctly. The first refers to the use of Indonesian according to the rules and regulations in Indonesian. While the second relates to the use of Indonesian according to the situation and context of use in society. However, the average Indonesian people mistook (mispercept) that they already speak Indonesian well and correctly. This may be due to the fact that the Indonesian language is a second language for the majority of the people of Indonesia. The latter is to gain confidence that the Indonesian as well as the national language, which brings together various ethnic groups with hundreds of regional languages simultaneously throughout the archipelago's culture. Author assesses still a few people in this country who are concerned with errors in Indonesian language both oral and written. The fault indication can be easily proved by an error rate of the dominant Indonesian language made by each people, ranging from elementary and middle school students are also teachers, staff and school leaders, students and university leaders, governments, and businesses. Speak error can be caused by the fact the complex aspects of language use itself, is also a lack of knowledge and training on these aspects. Language mistakes that will, in turn, impact the decay of language. Caused misconciousness of the rules of language use, many naming Indonesia improper language between the Indonesian language or regional language. In addition to damaging the language, the use of which is not according to the rules is not an example of exemplary by the next generation of our nation. It is the responsibility of us all, especially the teachers and the institution as a whole printer teachers and Indonesian teachers in particular, since as early as possible to teach and train their students speak Indonesian well and correctly. It is closely related to the formation of partial or complete fulfillment of 18 (eighteen) cultural values and national character which outlined the government through the Ministry of National Education Republic of Indonesia.


Key Words: obliged to use Indonesian Indonesian well and correctly, errors in Indonesian language, misconciousness of the rules of language use  character of the Indonesian nation






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