PERTANGUNG JAWABAN TERHADAP PENYANDERAAN WARGA SIPIL OLEH KELOMPOK ABU SAYYAF MENURUT HUKUM HUMANITER INTERNASIONAL (Studi Kasus Penyanderaan Warga Sipil Indonesia oleh Kelompok Abu Sayyaf pada Tanggal 26 Maret- 1 Mei 2016 di Filipina Selatan)
Indonesian civilian hostage taking place on March 26-May 1, 2016 by a group of Abu Sayyaf militants. It began with the hijacking of two Indonesian ships, the Brahma 12 and the Anand 12 barge, which were carrying 7,000 tons of coal and 10 Indonesian crewmen. 10 Indonesian crew members were taken hostage by the Abu Sayyaf. The Abu Sayyaf carried out a rebellion caused by wanting to establish the Southern Philippines into a new state where an Islamic State was. The issues raised in this thesis are: (1) What is the arrangement regarding the responsibility for taking hostages of civilians from a hostage country in a foreign country? (2) how is the application of the rules regarding accountability for the incident of hostage to Indonesian civilians by the Abu Sayyaf miitan group ?. This study uses a normative legal approach. Data sources are based on primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. The data collection technique is library research. Analysis of the data is qualitative. From the results of the discussion, (1) cases of hostage taking of civilians have been regulated in the 1949 Geneva convention (2) the application of law in dispute resolution is not done with humanitarian law, but with diplomatic law. Keywords: Hostage, Abu Sayyaf, civilians, International Humanitarian Law.References
Daftar pustaka
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Konvensi Jenewa 1949