Role, Negligence, Firearms, PoliceAbstract
Regulations for the use of firearms are regulated in PERKAPOLRI Number 1 of 2019 and higher regulated by PERPOL Number 1 of 2022. However, the reality on the ground, especially the National Police, in the misuse of firearms, is still not in accordance with the applicable SOP, such as 3 cases of misuse of firearms by the Police throughout 2021 at theWest Sumatra Regional Police. Problems: (1) What is the role of the West Sumatra RegionalPolice in overcoming negligence in the use of firearms by members of the Police? (2) What are the obstacles faced by the West Sumatra Regional Police in overcoming negligent use of firearms by members of the Police? This type of sociological juridical research, data sourcesobtained from interviews and document studies, data analysis qualitatively. The results of the study: (1) The role of the Police in overcoming firearms negligence by the Police, such as having to fulfill terms and conditions for owning firearms, checking ownership of firearms, supervising firearm users and making withdrawals if they violate existing rules. (2)So far there are no obstacles faced in overcoming negligence in firearms by the Police, whichin carrying out the rules has been cooperative, not against the law, and has taken firm action against members who violate the rules, but in terms of implementation in the field, what often happens is the use of firearms that are not in accordance with applicable SOPs.References
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