Satlantas, Countermeasures, Accidents, Traffic.Abstract
Traffic is one of the important means for the community to expedite the activities carried out. Apart from facilitating activities, the duties and authorities of the Pariaman Police Traffic Unit in tackling traffic accidents are regulated in Article 5 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the Police. The average number of accidents in the Pariaman area is 144 cases each year. The formulation of the problem is: 1) What is the role of the Pariaman Police Traffic Unit in handling traffic accidents? 2) What are the obstacles encountered by the Pariaman Traffic Police in the context of overcoming accidents? This type of research is socio legal approach. This study use primary data and secondary data. Data obtained by interview, document study and observation. Data was analyzed qualitatively. From the research it was concluded that: (1) The role of the Pariaman Police Traffic Unit in dealing with traffic accident problems in Pariaman has been going quite well, namely by prioritizing the safety of road users, and the Pariaman Police Traffic Unit comes to the traffic accident scene when there is an incoming report related to an accident that happened. (2) The obstacle encountered by the Pariaman Police Traffic Unit in dealing with accidents is when looking for witnesses to seek information.References
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