Padang beach is one of the tourist places in the city of Padang. Padang beach beauty marred by certain persons to commit criminal acts of extortion to the owner of the shop or tourists visiting Padang Beach. it is set in Article 368 Criminal Code. This extortion occurred in Padang beach one case the suspect MG threats of violence to force selling food and drink to the victim named JK. Formulation of the problem: 1) How are the Police Resort in Kota Padang Padang Beach eradication of extortion? 2) What are the constraints on hadapai Police Resort Kota Padang in combating the Crime of Extortion in Padang Beach?. This research was conducted by the sociological juridical approach. Sources of data in the form of primary data and secondary data. The data collection technique interview and document study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Based on the research results 1) Efforts Police Resort Kota Padang is a) to patrol the area around b) set up outposts monitor c) provide socialization law to society d) to cooperate with the community police unit of the civil service and the service prawisata and 2) Constraints constraints police Resort Kota Padang in combating extortion on the beach desert a) police personnel shortages b) many are not maumelapor c) there are some reports that do not lead to a criminal offense.
Keyword : Crime, Extortion, Police, Eradication
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