The development of community life often leads to complex problems to be solved, so it is often resolved through the institution of the Court. One of the cases that came in and has been decided by the District Court of New York City is a civil case No.20/PDT.G/2015/PNBKT about tort committed by Defendant I and Defendant II did mastery without rights, and Defendant III issued land boundaries overlap without a clear legal basis. Issues raised in this paper are, what are the elements Torts met in a civil case No.20/PDT.G/2015/PNBKTand what hat are the judgment panels of judges in hearing and deciding the case No.20/PDT.G/2015/PNBKT. This research uses normative legal research. The data consists of primary legal materials and secondary law. Data were analyzed qualitatively using the techniques of data collection in the form of studies document. From the study it can be concluded that, the elements of a tort in the civil case No.20/PDT.G/2015/PNBKT have been met.The consideration of the judges on the case No.20/PDT.G/ 2015/PNBKT is appropriate because the judge in the verdict is not glued to the terms in writing, but also based on the jurisprudence used as legal basis in decisions.
Keywords : Jurisdiction Review, Court Decision, Tort
Daftar Pustaka
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Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945
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