Small Claim Courtis a simple examination procedures in proceedings with the Ordinances and proof that simple. Implementation of a Small Claim Courtin Pengadilan Negeri Klas I A Batam has several constraints regarding plaintiffs and/or defendants who did not attend the trial but only attended by the power of his law course. Issues that will be discussed : (1) how would the resolution of a Small Claim Court in Pengadilan Negeri Klas I A Batam?, (2) whether consideration of the judge to continue the proceedings, whereas the parties not present at the Pengadilan Negeri Klas I A Batam?. This research is using jurisdiction sociological approach. The data is using primer data and secondary data, which is collected by interview and the document research. The data was Analysed by qualirtative method. The research result of the resolution of a Small Claim Courtin Pengadilan Negeri Klas I A Batam (1) a Small Claim CourtSettlement through peace process outside the trial when not achieved continued with the reading of the verdict and the subsequent evidentiary lawsuit judge, the parties do not agree with the judge's ruling can file an objection (2) consideration of the judge to continue the proceedings while the parties not present at the trial, namely when by reason of judicial implementation of clear and fast and small fee.
Keywords: settlement, Small Claim Court, Pengadilan Negeri
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