Given the importance of the functions of the legal product area in the exercise of governance in the region, then the role of the legal secretariat of the regional city of Padang in the process of formation of regional law product is the most important part in the achievement of a goal the establishment of a legal product area of the city of Padang. The formulation of a problem is (1) how is the position of the legal secretariat of the regions and parliament in the process of formation of regional legal product? (2) why the establishment of products set out in the Program area of the law of creation of the local government areas of Regulatory and legislative Propemperda? (3) Why there are areas of law product is cancelled by the Central Government. The research method used is the method of empirical legal research, a legal research methods serve to see in terms of real law and examines how law works in the neighborhood, a legal entity or a government agency. The technique of data collection is the study of the documents and interviews. Technique of data analysis i.e. descriptive qualitative analysis techniques. Research results can be inferred are (1) the position of the legal secretariat of the region and the Secretariat of the parliament has an important role and close working relationships as well as intertwined in the process of the formation of the product of the nonprofit area law regulations. 2) establishment of regional legal products defined in Propemperda because of the formation of regional law requires products cost budget that fit on the budget income of the Shopping area. 3) Why there are areas of law product is cancelled by the Central Government caused by: a. legal Products contrary to the hierarchy of legislation, b. legal Products are made is not an authority on City Government, c. Product law contains the rules of procedure that complicate third parties, investors or entrepreneurs in dealing with City Government.
Keywords: Legal Department, Legislative, Legal Product, Local Governance
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C. Sumber Lain daerah.html?m=1, diakses pada tanggal 26 September 2016 Pukul 19:34 WIB. uk-hukum-daerah/diakses pada tanggal 26 September 2016 Pukul 19:45 WIB.