
  • Ismi Desfia Ismi Desfia



Adoption is a legal act which distract a child from the environment of its parents, legal guardian, or other person responsible for the care, education and parenting, into a family environment adoptive parents. The formulation of the problem, namely 1). Is the reason for adoption in Class 1B Pariaman District Court 2). What is the procedure of adoption in the state court class 1B Pariaman? 3). How consideration of the judge in granting the petition of adoption ?. The method used is the juridical sociological, consisting of primary data and secondary data. Data collected by interviews, the study documents that in qualitative analysis. Based on the studies concluded that, 1). Reasons adoptions in the District Court of Class 1B Pariaman, because the child is already living with the applicant's birth, the parents of the child is the younger brother of the Applicant, during the marriage applicants do not have children, and the purpose Petitioner raised children for the benefit of children and their legal certainty , 2). The procedure of adoption in the District Court in accordance with the guidelines for adoption by the department of social and adoption terms similar to those contained in Regulation No. 54 of 2007 on the implementation of child adoption. 3). The judge in the consideration granted the petition of adoption based on the testimony of the applicant, connected with letters of evidence and statements of witnesses as well as a description of the adopted child.


Keywords: Implementation, Adoption, Courts



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C. Sumber Lain

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