Peran Dinas Kebudayaan Dan Pariwisata Kota Bukittinggi Untuk Menunjang Pendapatan Asli Daerah Berdasarkan Peraturan Walikota Nomor 49 Tahun 2009


  • Redho Hariyadi


Development in the tourism sector is highly beneficial to support native income Bukittinggi. but in pengelolaanya far from the condition should be. At Garden Wildlife and culture Clan Kinantan animal cages and also conditions of animal welfare standards and far from the parking conditions at tourist attractions panoramic garden and Japanese pit on the shoulder of the road, the panorama and the Japanese who were dug on the shoulder of the road. The role of the Department of culture and tourism to developtourism based on rules of the Mayor's Number 49 in 2009. Problems in this thesis are: (1)how the duties and functions of the Department of culture and tourism town of Bukittinggi in order to increase the appeal of Tourism Revenue to support the Original area.  (2) whether the constraints faced by the Department of culture and tourism town of Bukittinggi in order to increase the appeal of Tourism Revenue to support the Original area. (3) what are the efforts made by the Department of culture and tourism town of Bukittinggi in order to increase the appeal of Tourism Revenue to support the Native data. to get the necessary information, the research method used is the Juridical sociological research methods, conclusions that can be drawn are that(1) the duties and authority of Department of culture and tourism town of bukittinggi in order to increase the appeal of Tourism Revenueto support the Original Area is already well underway. (2) Obstacles in conducting development of tourism by the City Government of thisland is Bukittinggi limited due to widespread Bukittinggi only has an area of 25Km2 and the consciousness of visitors will be hygiene. (3) the efforts made the cultural Service is conducting makeovers in various sectors of tourism, and the management of community-based tourism.

Keywords: Tourism Development, The Original Income Area, The City Of Bukittinggi


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