Kedudukan Pendamping Dan Penerjemah Dalam Proses Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Permerkosaan Dengan Korban Difabel (Study kasus di Polresta Padang)
Law No. 8 of 2016 on Disability explain entitled to a facilitator and translator inArticle 178
paragraph (1) Criminal Code of the cases occurred in Padang Police escort and interpreter's role is very important to assist investigators in the investigation process. This study discusses 1)Position escort and interpreter for victims with disabilities in the criminal investigation of rape? 2) What are the constraints faced by investigators in the investigation of cases of rape of victims with disabilities? This study used socio-legal approach. Data used include primary data and secondary data. Data were collected through interviews and document study. Data were analyzed quantitatively. The conclusions of this study 1) Position escort and interpreter for victims with disabilities in the investigation of an offense of rape, where the escort and interpreter must be present in the investigation process to assist investigators in the search for and collect evidence on the crime happened and to find the suspect 2) Obstacles encountered in the interrogation of victims with disabilities, the lack of coordination with other institutions, mean accounts of  the victims is less clear, the victim does not have a witness to give testimony, the victim did not realize there has been a criminal act of rape itself, the difficulty of investigators to conduct the post mortem, the victim self-closing, difficulty investigators conducting an investigation to find the culprit, lack of facilities and infrastructure to support the police force.
Keywords: Companion, translators, Rape, Disability, Investigation
A. Buku-Buku
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B. Undang-Undang
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C. Sumber Lain
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