According to law No. 7 in 2011 About the currency. Money is a tool of a valid proof of payment. Money likened as a sport in the life of the economy in the community. It can be said that money has become a strategic role in an economy is primarily viewed from the main functions of money as means of payment, barter activity cannot be conducted in public life today. This encourages researchers to raise an issue, a) how is the application of the criminal against criminal acts of counterfeiting currency of the Republic of Indonesia; b) how does the consideration of judges in meting out sanctions against criminal acts of counterfeiting currency of the Republic of Indonesia. Research method used authors juridical normative legal research, namely legal research conducted by way of examining the materials in library or also called research studies document. The source of this research consists of primary legal materials in the form of laws-invitation. Secondary data composed of primary law, secondary, tertiary. Data analysis in meticulous without using numbers. Author's conclusions based on the results of the research of the defendant is proven to save physically in any way that he knew was false rupiah. The assertion that didakwakan to the defendant is an alternative claim, i.e. only to one article. Judge gives an award in accordance with the didakwakan by the public prosecutor.
 Keyword: Application, Crime, Counterfeiting, Currency.
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C. Sumber Lain
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