In everyday life the parking is a general view of our eyes. One form of parking is the parking inpatient ie where service users can park their vehicles parked several days by paying a fee set by the manager of parking at the airport. Minangkabau International Airport is an international airport in West Sumatra which has parking hospitalized. At the moment consumers to park their vehicles in case of loss and damage, then consumers are entitled to the protection of the vehicle which in parkirkan and are entitled to sue for damages. Issues raised in this paper are (1) What kind of legal protection for the parking service hospitalized at Minangkabau International Airport (2) How is the responsibility of businesses to damages suffered by users of parking services inpatient Minangkabau International Airport (3) What constraints encountered in the implementation of responsibility in the management of inpatient Perparkiran Minangkabau International Airport. This research uses juridical sociological research. Data used include primary data and secondary data. Data were obtained through interviews and document study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. From the study it can be concluded that (1) Form of implementation of legal protection for the parking service inpatient Minangkabau International Airport is a repressive law enforcement by giving compensation (2) The responsibility of businesses over the perbaikian for damages or compensation for loss of the vehicle. (3) Constraints faced by the business itself is derived from nature and abuses of power are done by officers who were around the Minangkabau International Airport.
Keywords: Parking Confinement, Consumer Protection, Minangkabau International Airport
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