Law No. 5 of 1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems is the law governing the destruction of coral reefs. Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) accounted for nearly a third of the condition of coral reefs in Indonesia were damaged, one of them in Case No. 771 / Pid.Sus / 2014 / Pn.Kpn, where the defendant committed the coral reef mining activities in protected areas with explosives and toxic lead to the destruction of coral reef ecosystems. The problems are 1) How does the application against the perpetrators of criminal wrecking coral reefs in Case Number: 771 / Pid.Sus / 2014 / PN.Kpn? 2) How to judge the perpetrators of vandal consideration coral reefs in Case Number: 771 / Pid.Sus / 2014 / PN.Kpn ?. This type of research is normative, the data used are primary, secondary and technical study of the document. The data collected was analyzed by qualitative: 1) Implementation of the perpetrators of criminal vandal coral reefs in Case Number: 771 / Pid.Sus / 2014 / PN.Kpn regulated in Article 40 Paragraph (2) of Law No. 5 of 1990 on Conservation of Resources Biodiversity and Ecosystem and Article 73 of Law Number 27 Year 2007 on the Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands. 2) Consideration of the law against the perpetrators of the destroyer of coral reefs at Case Number: 771 / Pid.Sus / 2014 / PN.Kpn is considered from the juridical aspect of theoretical, philosophical, psychological, sociological, ecological and educational paedagogis.
Keywords: Crime, Vandalism, coral reefs.
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B. Peraturan Perundang-undangan
Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945;
Undang-UndangNomor 8 Tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana.
Undang-UndangNomor 5 Tahun 1990 tentang Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Hayati dan Ekosistemnya.
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Putusan perkara nomor 771/Pid.Sus/2014/PN.Kpn tentang perniagaan terumbu karang yang mengakibatkan rusaknya terumbu karang