Law No. 4 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal governing criminal provisions against illegal gold mining. Illegal gold mining in Sijunjung have occurred over the years ranging from traditional hardware to modern equipment so that damage to the environment, the more alarming. Problems raised in this study are: (1) How is the criminal application against mining without permission in Sijunjung? (2) How effective application of the criminal against the perpetrators of illegal gold mining in Sijunjung? The study used a socio legal approach. Data used include primary data and secondary data. Data were collected through interviews and document study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed: 1) the application of the criminal against the perpetrators of gold mining is illegal in Sijunjung not been effective because of the judge's decision is lower than the demands of the prosecutor 2) the effective application of the criminal has not been fully performed in Sijunjung because only a few cases of mining gold illegally in the past law and moreover for the year 2016 there was only one case of illegal gold mining that passes through the legal process.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Criminal, Mining, Gold.
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B. Perundang-Undangan
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C. Sumber Lain
Harbi Hanif Burdha, 2013, Pencemaran Lingkungan Akibat Peti di Sijunjung - KOMPASIANA.com,