Consumer protection is an integral part of a healthy business activities. Every human being is entitled to the rights of protection of Indonesia from the manufacturer as a manufacturer of goods or services. The issue raised in this thesis are (1) How the responsibility of businessmen chips tempe Big Meadow Family in protecting the consumer (2) what are the obstacles faced trade chips tempe Big Family Pasture to protect consumers (3) how can the efforts carried out trade chips tempe Big Meadow Family in protecting consumers. This research uses a type of juridical sociological research. The data used is the primary data and secondary data. Data obtained through interviews and documents. Data that has been obtained will be analysed qualitatively. From the results it can be concluded that (1) trade chips tempe Big Meadow Family has not been able to provide fully protection to consumers, because it does not memberiakn the correct information, clear and honest about the condition of their production (2) obstacles faced by businessmen chips tempe Big Family Pasture to protect consumers is the length of the process management of the SPP-IRT (3) Parties trade chips tempe Big Meadow Family already did some efforts to protect consumers , the efforts made are not using harmful materials, hygiene, and gives the relative cheap price.
Key Words: Responsibility, Businessmen, Chips Tempe
Daftar Pustaka
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