Fiduciacy guarantee execution is execution concerns the payment of an amount of money by selling items belonging to the debtor through public action. In practice, executions conducted by the leasing company to use the service outside of the company’s employees. The problem, How to prosedur of execution of fiduciary guarantee over motor vehicle by PT. Adira Finance. Are contraints in conducting fiduciary guarantee execution over a motor vehicle. How can the efforts made, PT. Adira Finance in order to overcome the obstacles in the implementation of the execution of the fiduciary guarantee. This reseacrh uses the juducial sociological approach. The data use include primary data and secondary data. Data were collected through interviews and documents. The data were analyzed qualitatively. From the result of the study concluded that the fiduciary guarantee top execution, motor vehicle by PT. Adira Finance is through public auction. Constraints faced by the debtor is not handed over volluntarily and there is also a motor vehicle that is transferred without the knowledge of the parties leasing, due to economic factors. The efforts made by PT. Adira Finance in overcoming constrains using the service of a debt collector to pick up and find the motor vehicle to be brought to the office of Adira Finance.
Keywords: Execution, Fiduciary Guarantee, Motor Vehicle
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A. Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
Undang-Undang Nomor 42 Tahun 1999 tenytang Jaminan Fidusia.
Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 21 Tahun 2015 tentang Tata Cara Pendaftaran Jaminan Fidusia dan Biaya Pembuatan Akta Jaminan Fidusia.
Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 13/PMK.010/2012 tentang Pendaftaran Jaminan Fidusia Bagi Perusahaan Pembiayaan Yang Melakukan Pembiayaan Konsumen Untuk Kendaraan Bermotor dengan Pembebanan Jaminan Fidusia.
B. Sumber lain
https://www.otofinance.co.id/tent ng-oto-kreditmotor/deskripsi-otomotor