Aspek Kriminologis Abortus Provocatus Criminalis di Kalangan Remaja Kota Padang
In law, abortion is obtained in Article 75Undang-undang 36 Year 2009 on Kesehatan and Article 45 of Law Number 35 Year 2014 on Amendment of Law Number. 23 of 2002 on perlindungan Anak. Abortus is a miscarriage or forfeit the womb, which means the end of pregnancy, before foetus can live alone outside the womb. As for the formulation problems in this writing is (1) Are these the causes of abortion provokatus criminalis to adolescents in the city of Padang, (2) How did the efforts of local governments to overcome the abortion provokatus criminalis to adolescents in the city of Padang. (2) How did the efforts of local governments to overcome the abortion provokatus criminalis to adolescents in the city of Padang. In response to the arrangement the problem of writing using the method of Socio Legal Research. The Source of data in most of the primary and the secondary, the techniques of collecting data from the interview, study the documents and questionnaires. The results of the (1) the factors that cause the crime of abortion provocatus criminalis in the city of Padang, : a. Sheel’s attention her parents in the development of behavior the beginning, b. free sex, c.womb out of wedlock, d. embarrassed or afraid of is known by parents or family ; e. it inhibit the school and the future, f.Economic problem. (2) that the government in tackling the crime of abortion is : a. do a raid to the rental and sales of the vcd porn and books, b.hang on to the teachings of religion, c.hindari the association, d. choose the neighborhood association.
Keywords : Criminology, Abortus Provocatus Criminalis, Teenagers
A. Buku-buku
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Peraturan Perundang-Undan
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