Diskresi is the authority granted by law to the Police Department to do an act which is in accordance with the assessment, consideration or conscience police itself. Diskresi police about mediation on criminal acts provided for in Article 18 of Act No. 2 of 2002 on the police force. According to Article 18 paragraph (1), for the benefit of the public officials of the State police of the Republic of Indonesia in carrying out the tasks and authority can act according to his own judgment. Formulationof the problem 1) how is the implementation of the diskresi police investigators in solving the crime (tipiring) and mediation in Polresta Desert? 2) what constraints are faced by police investigators in solving the crime (tipiring) and mediation in Polresta Desert? The approach used is the juridical sociological. The data source is theprimary data and secondary data. Engineering data collection with interviews, questionnaire and study documents. The data were analyzed qualitatively. A summary of the results of the research implementation of diskresi conducted a police investigator in solving crime lightly done in mediation in an effort to realize the principle of the judiciary is simple, quick and light costs because not all things should be assigned to the Court, and in decision diskresi, investigators sift through the matter first before taking action diskresi and obstacles for investigators in using the authority of diskresinya at the time the investigation is tipiring with the mediation that isstill weak law enforcement financial obstacles, persons, apparatus, knowledge of investigators and the participation of the parties.
Key words: Diskresi, Investigator, criminal act, mediation.
Daftar Pustaka
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B. Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
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C. Sumber Lain
Handar Subhandi, 2014, Pengertian dan Jeni-jenis Mediasi, http://handarsubhandi.blogspot.co.id/2014/11/pengertian-dan-jenis-jenis-mediasi.html, Diakses Pada Tanggal 18 September 2016 Pukul 18.05 WIB