Gratuity is a relatively new thing in law enforcement criminal acts of corruption in Indonesia. On the basis of article 12B Law Number 31 of 1999 jo Act No. 20 of 2001 About the eradication of criminal acts of corruption. Any gratuity to civil servants or the organizers regarded as the Act of bribery in the awarding was done because it relates to his position and contrary to duty or task. As for the identification of the problem in this study is 1) how form of community participation in the prevention of gratuities on public services in the registry office Padang Pariaman? 2) what are the obstacles on the face by the community in the prevention of gratuities on public services in the registry office Padang Pariaman? This type of research were sociological, juridical data source is primary data and secondary data. The technique of data collection is the study of documents and a detailed questionnaire, data were analyzed qualitatively. Based on the results of the research can be summed up: 1) forms of community participation in the prevention of gratuities on public services in the registry office Padang Pariaman was over the phone, in the community directly in the management of the andministrasi in the registry office Padang Pariaman, never accepted the offer outside conditions. 2) obstacles faced was society indirectly in the management of the administration of the registry office in Padang Pariaman and the existence of a community which travels the line outside conditions.
Keywords: Participation, Prevention, Gratuities, Public Services
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