Issuing opinions on the Constitution No. 9 of 1998 on Freedom of Expression in Public. Frequent unrest or anarchy at the time of submission of opinions in public (demonstrations). This unrest raises some criminal acts such as vandalism, theft, disturbing public interest or other criminal acts. And to secure the demonstrations revealed the mass operator (Dalmas) of Police. This is consistent with the role of the police as the security of the State, as stated in Constitution No. 2 of 2002 on the State Police. The formulation of the issues raised in this paper are (1) Efforts to what is being done in securing the demonstration. (2) What factors are an obstacle in securing the demonstration. This study used a sociological approach. Data used are primary data and secondary data. Data were collected through interviews and document study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. The study concluded that (1) the efforts made in securing the demonstration that with effort pre-emptive, preventive, repressive efforts (2) factors that caused the problems in the demonstration in the jurisdiction of Police of Padang is because of the potential factors engineering, the lack of coordination between the police and the person or institution related to the protests, the discontent of the people, the security is lacking. Keywords: Demonstration, Security, Effort, PoliceReferences
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