Sacrilege is a perversion of religious behavior that may cause hostility, abuse or desecration of a religion in Indonesia. Criminal acts of sacrilege of religion is regulated in article 156 of the CRIMINAL CODE a. Criminal religious sacrilege i.e. penginjakan the Qur'an occurs in Nagari River Aur, Pasaman Barat, with the usual suspects (CN). Outline of the problems; a) Are factors the causes of criminal acts of sacrilege West Pasaman Barat religion? b) How law enforcement is conducted by the Police against criminal acts of sacrilege religion in West Pasaman Barat? c) How crime prevention efforts of religious sacrilege in West Pasaman Barat? d) what constraints faced by Polres West Pasaman Barat in law enforcement against criminal acts of sacrilege religion in West Pasaman Barat? A legal sociological methods. The source of primary data and secondary data, with data collection techniques in the interview and study documents, analyzed qualitatively. The results of the research; 1) religious sacrilege, cause factor low planting religious values and public knowledge of the law in Indonesia. 2) law enforcement conducted Police investigation, arrest, namely peyelidikan and assign to the State Court and State Prosecutor West Pasaman Barat. 3) Countermeasure Effort done i.e. penal Police, non penal. 4) obstacles faced Police i.e. in ensuring authenticity of facebook account and photographs of the acts of the perpetrators of religious sacrilege.
Keyword: Law Enforcement, Criminal Acts, Religious Sacrilege
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C. Sumber Lain
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