This research represent research qualitative with approach of sosiologis yuridis. used data cover primary data and of sekunder. Technique data collecting the used is document study and interview, later;then data analysed qualitative. One of the uppermost criminality form at the moment is done hardness by together or is often referred as by pengeroyokan. Hardness action by together this arranged according to Section 170 KUHP. Case of Pengeroyokan often happened region of Polres Arasuka Sub-Province of Solok, pursuant to year data 2015 there are counted 10 case. Problem of this research 1) How execution of investigation by investigator of Polresta Arosuka Sub-Province of Solok to done hardness doing an injustice by together 2) Do constraints met by investigator of Polresta Arosuka Sub-Province of Solok to investigation of conducted hardness doing an injustice by together. Conclude from research show 1) Execution of investigation by investigator of Polresta Arosuka Sub-Province of Solok to done/conducted hardness doing an injustice by is together done by covering; ( a) Investigation, ( b) Penindakan; denominating, arrest, detention, rummage, and confiscation, pemeriksaaan of eyewitness, and also expert eyewitness, making of resume, compilation law suit, and delivery law suit 2) Constraint in investigation of hardness doing an injustice case by together by investigator of Polresta Arosuka cover: ( a) Factor to the number of eyewitness and perpetrator, ( b) Factor society still a lot is conciousness not yet law, proven in inspection many eyewitness which do not want to take the stand ( shut mouth) and ( c) Factor the limited amount of investigator so that process the solving of its case of llama.
 Keyword : Investigation, Doing An Injustice, Hardness, Together
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