Corruption can cause financial loss to the State. Law enforcement in the criminal offence of corruption one of them is to do the investigation process is the preparation stage or beginning of intelligence conducted by the Attorney General in which the Office is run by a young Prosecutor Prosecutor's Office. Intelligence services arranged in Prosecutor's Office Article 14 paragraph (1) the President of the Republic Indonesia Regulation Number 38 in 2010 about the Organization and the work of Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia.Formulation of the problem: (1) how is the role of the State in the field of intelligence disclosures of corruption criminal act has occurred in Padang city? (2) Whether that be State Intelligence Desert barriers in the alleged criminal acts of corruption in Padang city? (3) How can the efforts taken by the State Intelligence Padang in overcoming barriers that appears in its role against alleged criminal acts of corruption in the city of Padang?. Sociological legalresearch uses research. Data sources include primary data and secondary data. The technique of data collection through interviews and documents. The data were analyzed qualitatively.Results of research: (1) the role of the Attorney General's intelligence to uncover criminal acts of corruption that is setting up the technical intelligence with memeperhatikan coordination with the cooperation of other government agencies. (2) Obstacles that occur i.e. the offender performs his deeds using sophisticated modus operandi, the lack of human resources, lack of leadership and lack of budget allocation of funds in the process of investigation of the criminal offence of corruption. (3) the State Attorney's intelligence efforts that is doing well in other agencies coordination, improve human resources, and review the structure of the Prosecutor's Office allowances.
Key words: Intelligence, Attorney General, Crime, Corruption
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