Air transport for transporting passengers, cargo, or mail from one airport to other airports. Passenger baggage handed over to the carrier with the same aircraft. Baggage compensation entitlements passenger baggage damages were destroyed, damaged, or lost in the responsibility of the airline. The problem: (1) how the form of damages suffered by a passenger checked baggage? (2) whether the problems in the compensation process? (3) How the remedies pursued by Sriwijaya Air? types of research using sociological juridical approach. Data sources used primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques with interviews and document study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. The results of research: (1) the form of compensation baggage is lost is replaced with minimal money Rp.200.000 ,. per kilogram and a maximum Rp.4.000.000 ,. per passenger, which damaged will be replaced with the amount of damage suitable material and the type of material, (2) the obstacles in the process of compensation settled by consensus, kinship, and according to regulations, (3) the remedies taken by passengers may submit a written complaint to the Sriwijaya Air. Suggestions: 1) increase surveillance officers at the baggage claim, 2) passenger service users abiding by laws and ordinances, 3) baggage wrapped and packaged to avoid damage, include the identity of the passenger in the trunk, so you can easily find if the baggage was lost or confused.
Keywords: Compensation, Recorded Baggage, Sriwijaya Air.
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C. Sumber lain-lain
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