
  • Putra Sinatrya


Constitutional Court Decision No. 43 / PUU-XIII / 2015 has an impact on the selection of Judges of the State Administrative Court because the Constitutional Court's decision to eliminate the authority of the Judicial Commission to be involved in the selection process of judges at the first level. Formulation of the issues to be addressed are: (1) How are the procedure of selecting the State Administrative Court Judge before the release of the decision from the Constitutional Court Number 43 / PUU-XIII / 2015? (2) How are the legal implications of the decision from the Constitutional Court Number 43 / PUU-XIII / 2015 against the selection of the State Administrative Court Judge (Administrative Court)? The author conducted research with normative legal research methods. The data used is secondary data with the use of primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary. The collection of legal materials are using studied document technique. Legal materials from documents studied by analyzed deductively using analysis qualitative. Research results: 1) Selection of Procedure State Administrative Court Judge (Administrative Court) before the release of the Constitutional Court Decision No. 43 / PUU-XIII / 2015 is Exam Pre-Position, Program Training, Internships, Exam of the Code of Ethics and Conduct of Judges and Determination of Completion. 2) The Legal Implications of Constitutional Court Decision No. 43 / PUU-XIII / 2015 against the Selection of the State Administrative Court Judge (Administrative Court), which eliminates most of the oversight function of the Judicial Commission and make the Supreme Court  as the only institution authorized to recruit judges.

 Keywords: Juridical Analysis, Selection, Judge of the Constitutional Court Decision



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