Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 Year 2016 on Procedures for Mediation in the Court requiring the parties to mediate. Disputes can be resolved through mediation can be applied outside the court (litigation) or court (litigation) as inheritance dispute that became the object of property. Inheritance disputes occur due to differences in interests that cause dissatisfaction or ignorance of the rules concerning inheritance. The issues in this study were 1. How is the implementation of mediation in the settlement of disputes of inheritance Number: 0147 / Pdt.G / 2014 / PA.Pdg in the Religious Class 1A Padang. 2. Are obstacles mediator judge in inheritance dispute resolution No. 0147 / Pdt.G / 2014 / PA.Pdg in the Religious Class 1A Padang. 3. Now efforts of mediators in resolving disputes and inheritance judge Number: 0147 / Pdt.G / 2014 / PA.Pdg in the Religious Class 1A Padang. This research used socio-juridical. Sources of data are the primary data by conducting interviews with informants, the data sekundar are of regulations danbuku-books. The data collection was done by interview and document study. after data is collected qualitative analysis. The results showed: 1) the implementation of mediation in the settlement of disputes of inheritance is based on the reference in the Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 of 2016 on mediation procedures in court. 2) constraints judge mediator in the settlement of disputes of inheritance is both sides do not want peace .. 3) the efforts of a judge mediator in resolving disputes and inheritance is to bring the two parties to want to make peace, mediators provide appropriate solutions.
Keywords: Implementation, Mediation, Inheritance Dispute.
Daftar Pustaka
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