Implementation of the cooperation between PT. GersindoMinang Plantation (GMP) as JV (Bukit Taun with Wilmar) with the Regional Government of West Pasaman is a collaboration between German, Singapore and Indonesia in a joint venture engaged in agriculture namely oil palm plantations. Problem Formulation discussed (1) how the implementation of the Cooperation PT.GMP as a Join Venture (Bukit Taun and Wilmar) with Government of West Pasaman, (2) what are the constraints faced in the implementation of the cooperation between PT. GMP as Join Ventur (Bukit Taun and Wilmar) with the Regional Government of West Pasaman, (3) Any efforts made in the implementation of cooperation PT.GMP as a Join Venture (Bukit Taun and Wilmar) with the Government of West psaman. The research method used is a method of sociological research that uses primary data and collecting data sekunder.Teknik studies document the interviews were analyzed qualitatively. From the research results can be concluded: (1) Implementation of cooperation PT. GMP as a Join Venture (Bukit Taun with Wilmar) with the Regional Government of West Pasaman already implemented. However, the implementation is still a problem between the two sides, especially the production and rejection signal processing palm fruits. (2) Constraints faced a conflict for the right to land ownership, the weakness of human resources, environmental contamination, the occurrence of forest encroachment, the issue of zoning, and damage to nutrients, (3) the efforts made land acquisition with compensation, giving training in order to increase the HR employees, collaborate, the allocation of waste which is environ mentally riendly,
Keywords: cooperation, PT. Gersindo, Join Venture.
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