
  • Noni Eka Putri
  • Femmy Dahlan
  • Vilia Yusraini


The research discussed Nigerian mimicry towards British culture reflected in Chinua Achebe’s A Man of The People. The aim was to describe how Nigerian culture is reflected and the mimicry of the Nigerian toward British culture. To attain the aim, the research was held by applying post-colonialism theory with historical approach. The research used descriptive methods with close reading technique. The result of the research is the mimicry toward the British culture existed in Nigerian life in politic, belief, economy, education, and customs. In political aspect, Nigerian mimic the parliament system of British government. Therefore, they changed the traditional political system from democracy to the parliament. In the aspect of belief, some Nigerian mimic the belief in Christianity instead of the belief of polytheism and animism. In economy, some Nigerian mimic service industry as economic activity rather than choosing agriculture activity. In educational aspect, Nigerian mimic British education system. Mimicry in tradition appears, in which in one side the Nigerian live by applying the British system in house design, food, and common practice. In conclusion, Nigerian mimicry toward British culture through the novel appears in some aspects like politic, belief, economy, education and custom. Nigerian mimicry done among the intellectual in the society. The mimicry do not eliminate all Nigerian culture.


Keyword : Post-colonial, mimicry, culture, Nigeria


