This study analyzes the sadness of two lyrics of Smart album. This is a qualitative
research, using descriptive methode with data collection methode techniques using
literature study. To analyze the sadness in both lyrics, the author using poetry
stilistic theory. This research begins by describing data association and imagination
in the from of parallelism, paradoxical, metaphor, simile, and repetition. Then find the
denotation meaning based on association data and imagination. Further revealed the
connotation meaning of sadness seen from the overall lyrics. As the conclution, Candle
lyric has one data sad feeling of cry that is speaker crying because the woman that he
loves has married to another man. Then four data of distress that is feeling insecure in
the heart. Its mean the sorrow of the speaker who can not live together with the woman
he loves thought he will always love the woman. While in Hajimari no Merodi lyric has one
data of distress in the form of feeling insecure in the heart. Its mean the sorrow of the
speaker who can not live together with the woman he loves, despite always loving the woman.
Three data of distress in the form of something hidden in the heart that has also meaning the
sorrow of the speaker because can not express his feeling to the woman he loves.
Keywords : lyrics, poetic stylists, sadness