
  • Zuraidah Sri Handayani Gultom
  • Dewi Kania Izmayanti
  • Dibya Prayassita Somya Rosa


In this thesis, the author examines the meaning of arigatou in the lives of Japanese society. The reason the writer took this title was because the writer wanted to know how to understand arigatou, and how the meaning and form of arigatou expressions in the life of Japanese society. This study aims to describe the understanding of arigatou, the meaning and form of arigatou expressions in Japanese society. The method used in this research is descriptive method. To analyze data, the author uses cultural theory, and the theory of symbolic interaction. From the result of the thesis, the author founded that the meaning of arigatou in the life of Japanese society is as an expression of gratitude. A deep sense of gratitude is felt by the Japanese when they assume that everything that is received is debt and is obliged to pay for it in the future. In addition arigatou in Japanese culture is also said to be the guardian of social harmony, because arigatou serves to reduce the imbalance caused by the good mind received from others. Deep gratitude encourages the Japanese to carry out the culture of giving, such as the administration of ochugen,
oseibo, and omiyage. By carrying out this culture of giving a good relationship with the person will continue to be maintained, so arigatou in Japanese is said to be a lubricating oil in communication.
Keywords: Arigatou, On, Giri.

Author Biography

Zuraidah Sri Handayani Gultom

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


