
  • Charunia Ramadhan Marnissaf
  • Oslan Amril
  • Dewi Kania Izmayanti


"> In this thesis the author examines the NEET life in Japan. The author want to know how NEET players life in Japan. The economic recession or the lost decade that occurred in Japan in the 1990’s caused Japan's economic growth to decline and affect the condition of the company in Japan and have an impact on the reduction of labor resulting in NEET phenomenon in Japan. NEET is a young person who is unemployed, who is not in education, work, or training. This research aims to describe the lives of NEET actors in the younger generation in Japan. The method I use is a qualitative descriptive method. To analyze the data the author uses the theory of social change. The results of research is life of NEET in the younger generation in Japan is not always negative. Even though the reason for being NEET is because the factors stop working because of difficulties in adjusting to work and the pressure in work that causes the desire to work, but NEET players can live independently by looking for their own income, and they do not distance themselves from the environment because they have friends familiar ones found on social media even after becoming NEET and relationships with parents well. Keywords: NEET, NEETlife in Japan

Author Biography

Charunia Ramadhan Marnissaf

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


