An Analysis of Discourse Reference of Song Lyric in Sarjana Muda Album 1981 by Iwan Fals”


  • Rio Ade Putra
  • Iman Laili
  • Elvina A Saibi


Reference is relationship that exists between certain words and items
without the presence of a language user. It is an action that refers to what is done
by language users. Reference is divided into 3 types: (1) pronoun reference, (2)
demonstrative reference and (3) comparative reference.
The aim of this study is to describe the form of discourse reference of song
lyric In Sarjana Muda Album 1981 by Iwan Fals. Techniques of collecting the
data used are: (1) listening to the song lyric in Sarjana Muda Album, (2) recording
the reference data in Sarjana Muda Album song lyric. The techniques used to
analyze the data are: (1) marking to show the lingual unit's attention or the identity
of certain constituents, (2) omitting or removal of the lingual data element to
determine the core of the data.
Based on the data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded as follow.
The pronoun reference of first singular persona definition is composed of markers
hamba and aku. The pronoun reference of first persona attached to the right is
indicated by a marker –ku, the pronoun reference of plural persona definitions is
marked with the marker kami and kita. The pronoun reference of second singular
persona is marked with the marker kau, engkau and loe. The pronoun reference of
the second singular persona attached to the right of the definition is –mu. The
pronoun reference of the third singular personal is indicated by a marker dia. The
pronoun reference of the third singular persona attached to the right is indicated
by –nya. The demonstrative references that have been found are (a) demonstrative
time marked with markers pagi and dulu; (b) demonstrative place marked with
markers di dalam, di depan, and di jalan.The comparative references
(comparison) are marked with the marker seperti used by the writer to compare
murid with jagoan, marker of seperti is also used by the writer to compare otak
orang with Habibie. The markers of seperti is also used by the writer to compare
gaji guru with dikebiri.
The conclusion of this study indicates that in the 1981 Sarjana Muda
Album there is only a single reference of pronoun singular and plural definition,
reference of the second personal pronoun, reference third personal pronoun and
demonstrative reference and comparative reference.
Keywords: grammatical cohesion, reference, Sarjana Muda album

Author Biography

Rio Ade Putra

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


