An Analysis of Positive Politeness Strategies in Rise of The Guardians movie
Politeness shows awareness of other people's faces, it is related to social distance orcloseness. Politeness refers to the emotional and social feeling of self that is recognized
by everyone. In this case, Politeness is needed to build good relationships and to have
good social interactions with others. Politeness phenomena do not only occur in daily
conversations or in daily life, but also in the dialogue found in a movie. Rise of The
Guardians movie is one of the interesting subjects to be analyzed in terms of positive
politeness strategies. Therefore, the purposes of this research are describe the kinds of
positive politeness strategies employed by the characters in the Rise of The Guardians
movie and then explain the factors influencing the characters to employ those strategies
in the Rise of The Guardians movie.
According to Brown and Levinson (1987:70) positive politeness is oriented toward
the positive face of the hearer, the positive self-image that he claims for himself and his
perennial desire that his wants (the action/acquisition/values/resulting from them)
should be thought of as desirable. Positive politeness utterances are not only used by the
participants who have known each other fairly well, but also used as a kind of
metaphorical extension of intimacy to imply common ground or to sharing of wants to
limited extent between strangers
This research employed descriptive qualitative research. It is done by collecting
data, analyzing data that is a positive politeness strategy from the utterences of
characters, giving explanations and drawing conclusions. The data in this research is a
form of utterance spoken by the characters in Rise of The Guardians movie according to
Brown and Levinson’s theory.
The results of this study were divided into 2 parts. The first is the writer find 10
strategies from 15 positive politeness strategies based on Brown and Levinson’s theory,
the writer found 15 dialogues contained in that 10 strategies of Positive Politeness, the
writer found the most strategy used by characters, that is strategy 4, namely Using ingroup Identity markers, it means the strategy used to provide identity in groups is the
form of address, dialect of language, jargon, and slang to show that speakers and hearers
belong to some people who have certain desires, there are 4 dialogues found in that
strategy. The second is the writer found 2 factors influence the character to employ the
strategy, they are Payoff and Circumtances (Social Distance and Power Rating). The
first is Payoff, the speaker can minimize the FTA by assuring the hearer that the speaker
considers himself to be the same kind, that he likes the hearer and wants to fulfil the
hearer wants, Payoff Factor found in the entire of the data. The second is Circumtances
namely Social Distance and Power rating, it can be seen as a combination of real
psychological factors (status, age, gender, level of intimacy, etc.). This factor found in
some of the data.
Keywords : Pragmatics, Positive Politeness strategy, Factor, Rise of The Guardians