Okaeshi Bunka in Japanese Society


  • Reni Juniarsya
  • Dewi Kania Izmayanti
  • Irma Irma


In living as a society and interacting with many people unintentionally someone will
receive kindness from others. Japanese people who is from childhood have been raised with
moral teachings feels that the kindness received from others is a debt. Therefore, they feel
that kindness must be repaid. Replying the kindness that has been given is an obligation that
must be repaid. Repaying or returning to what has been received is called okaeshi. (Khosino,
2017: 310). In this study the writer wants to know the culture of giving in Japanese society
and the obligation of Japanese society to do Okaeshi.
The theory used in this study was the theory of culture. According to Koentjaraningrat
(2004: 2), the culture is classified into seven Universal elements, those are religious systems
and religious ceremonies, Social systems and organizations, Knowledge systems, Languages,
Arts, livelihood systems, systems of technology and equipment, culture, social Interaction
theory according to Soerjono Soekanto (1982: 58-59) is a dynamic social relationship which
involves the relationship between individual people, among groups of people, and among
individuals with other communities, and according to Marcell Mauss (1992: 9) in the giving
theory basically all the gifts are not free, all forms of giving are certainly followed by
repayment or reward to what has been received.
The type of research is descriptive-qualitative. The techniques and methods used in
this study are questionnaire techniques and library research. The object of this research is
Japanese people who have entered the working life such as working in companies, hotels, and
as part-time workers. The data analysis techniques are as follows: A. Grouping the data
according to the research conducted, B. Analyzing the data that has been grouped
descriptively, C. Concluding the data that has been analyzed.
Okaeshi in Japan is one of the roots of Japanese culture that still exists today. Okaeshi
in Japan is not an odd habit, on the other hand it is commonly done where there is a social
obligation to do the okaeshi. The reason had by Japanese people to do Okaeshi is because of
shame. If someone only accepts without doing Okaeshi, then it can be considered as impolite
act. Furthermore, doing Okaeshi is an expression of gratitude, as a form of respecting others
because the person has been bothered with giving someone kindness, and as a form of
communication to interact with others. Okaeshi in Japan is still being done by Japanese
people in social life as a form of social control in life activities. It also cannot be separated
from the concepts of On and Giri as a form of maintaining the harmony in social relationship.
Keywords: Okaeshi, On, Giri

Author Biography

Reni Juniarsya

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


