The Meaning of Kanji Has Bushu Tsuki”. Japanese Literature Department
Kanji is a symbol of a Japanese word. Bushu is one of the starch-formingelements. In general, bushu that forms a starch, then the meaning of the kanji will
have a connection with the bushu. In Japanese kanji there are bushu which have
different variations of meaning. Bushu ‘tsuki 月 is one that has 3 different
variations of meaning, namely; tsuki „moon‟, nikuzuki 'meat', funez 'ship'.
This research aims to explain the formation of starch from tsuki bushu and
the meaning that arises due to the formation process. This study uses a descriptive
method in explaining the process of forming starch from Tsuki bushu and the
types of meanings that emerge. In this study using the rikusho theory to explain
the origin of the starch formation process and the types of meanings produced.
The starch list in the Kiat Sukses Mudah dan Praktis Mencapai N2 dan N3
tahun 2015 was the source of data in this study. The kanji list found the kanji data
findings formed from tsuki bushu, including;能 (nou), 肯 (kou), 期 (ki), and 脱
Based on the results of the analysis of starch formation which has tsuki
bushu and the types of meanings produced, it can be seen that the starch which
has tsuki bushu is formed based on 2 of the 6 elements in the rikusho theory,
namely; ka'i moji and keisei moji. Then the types of meanings that result from the
starch formation process that has tsuki bushu are, the meaning of narrowing,
broad meaning, and the meaning of total change.
Keyword: kanji, bushu tsuki, rikusho, meaning