Figurative Language Style and Figure of Speech Meaning in Koror’s Nagai Aida


  • Serly Herota
  • Syahrial Syahrial
  • Diana Kartika


Language style in general is a way of expressing oneself, whether through
language, behavior, and so on. Gorys Keraf (2002:113) says that the style of language
is a way of expressing thoughts through language specifically which shows the
author’s soul and personality. Thus it is one of the foundations for a speaker in
speaking both directly and indirectly. Language style is mostly used by many authors
in literary works; one of them is song lyrics. Gorys Keraf (1999:113) states that a
good language style may contain three elements, as follow: (1) Honesty, (2)
Politeness, and (3) Attractiveness. The figurative language style develops from the
analogy and contends the quantitative and qualitative relationships. Gorys Keraf
(1996:138) states that the comparison with the analogy has finally come up with the
all sorts of figurative language style such as: (1) Motonyumy, (2) Synecdoche, (3)
Epithet, (4) Eponym, (5) Allusion, (6) Personification, (7) Metaphor, (8) Simile, (9)
Fable, Allegory, and Parable, (10) Antiphrasis, (11) Innuendo, (12) Paronomasia, (13)
Satire, (14) Irony, (15) Hypallage, (16) Antonimasia.
According to Pateda (in Abdul Chaer, 2001), the figure of speech meanings
are found in idioms, proverbs, and axpressions. In addition Chaer (2002) states that
idioms, expressions, and metaphors are three terms with the same discourse object
from the different points of view.
The method used in this study was descriptive method. Observational method
was used as the method and technique of data collecting. After observing, the writer
proceeds the study with the note-taking method. Basides using the observational
method and note-taking technique, the writer also used translation technique. The
technique is one of the approaches used to look for the meaning in different language.
The data analyzing technique and method were conducted by using distributional
method. It is a method that uses the determinant tool of language section. The
technique used was the critical element segment technique, and then the writer
listened to the song. Third, the writer noted any kind of figurative language style and
figure of speech meaning contained in the song lyrics. Furthermore, the data was
classified based on the figurative language style and figure of speech meaning used in
the song lyrics. After all the data were grouped and classified, the writer described
figurative language style and figure of speech meaning.
According to the data analysis, the writer concluded the figurative languange
style and figure of speech meaning in Nagai Aida album written by Kiroro as follow:
the figurative language styles found in the finfing data were analyzed based on the
languange styles which were appropriate to the theory used by the writer. On the
other hand, the writer found the figure of speech meaning after analyzing the
figurative language style as follow: 1) the figure of speech meaning as an expression
was four data in which the data were found in synecdoche was two data, innuendo
was one datum, and irony was one datum, 2) the figure of speech meaning as proverb
was three data; one datum was found in ephitet, one datum in simile, and one datum
in parable, and 3) the figure of speech meaning as idiom was two data; one datum in
simile and one datum in hypallage.
Keywords: Figurative Languange Style, Figure of Speech Meaning, Nagai Aida
Album by

Author Biography

Serly Herota

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


