An Analyisis of Grammatical and Lexical Cohesion Used in Scientific Article


  • Gibran Nanda Abyana
  • Diana Chitra Hasan
  • Nova Rina


There are so many ways for people to communicate and interact with
others and one of it is a text. Text can be analyzed by using discourse analysis
theory. There are two fundamental aspects in discourse analysis. They are
cohesion and coherence. This study aims to describe what are the types of
grammatical and lexical cohesions used in the scientific articles, and what are the
grammatical and lexical mostly used in the scientific articles.
Cohesion occurs where the interpretation of some element in the discourse
is dependent on that of another (Halliday & Hasan,1976). It can be said that
cohesion is a tool to analyzed the discourse. The cohesion devices separated into
two forms. First, grammatical cohesion consists of reference, substitution, ellipsis,
and conjunction. Second, lexical cohesion consists of reiteration and collocation.
This research used descriptive qualitative and quantitative research. The
object of this study is scientific articles, especially from Journal of English
Language and Education. In this research there are five articles which has been
discussed. The technique of collecting the data: Identifying the fragment that
contained grammatical and lexical cohesion devices. Technique of analyzing the
data were: (a) read each words of the text, (b) give marks the data that related to
the subject of this study, (c) put the data into the table, and (d) conclusion.
Based on the results, the grammatical cohesion were found in The Journal
of English Language and Education namely : 23 references, 2 substitutions, 5
ellipsis, and 16 conjunctions while lexical cohesion : 6 repetitions, 3 synonyms,
and 2 superordinate. The total of cohesion devices were found in five journals
both of grammatical and lexical cohesion, there are : 46 devices. Devices which
are the most appear in the journals was reference with 23 data.
Keywords : Discourse analysis, grammatical cohesion, lexical cohesion.

Author Biography

Gibran Nanda Abyana

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


