Japan and Muslim Tourism


  • Nursyahril Nursyahril
  • Irma Irma
  • Dewi Kania Izmayanti


Tourism is a trip that is carried out from one place to another and does
activities related to tourism. Development of tourism in Japan has basically been
built since the Edo period until World War II. The formulation of the problem of
this thesis is; (a) How is the development of Japanese tourism ?; (b) What about
Japan with its Muslim tourism?
Tourism is a journey that is carried out temporarily, which is held from
one place to another, with the intention not to (business) or make a living in a
place that visited, but solely to enjoy the trip for sightseeing and recreation or to
fulfill desires diverse. (Oka A.Yoeti, 1996). Whereas Muslims are people who
have human characteristics that respect humans and respect their humanity,
regardless of their skin color, nation, or race. (Mahmud Halim Abdul Ali)
This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The object in this study
looked at the development of the number of Muslim tourists visiting Japan.
Techniques for collecting data using official writing materials such as scientific
literature such as books, articles, internet and relevant writings. Data analysis
techniques are carried out by: (a) classifying data about Japan and Muslim
Tourism, (b) analyzing the data, then (c) deducing the data that has been analyzed.
In 2012 Japan declared a Muslim-friendly country. Shinzo Abe made a
policy to revive the Japanese economy by building inter-cultural understanding
and increasing the satisfaction of Muslim tourists. (Resjito Meggy P. 2016). From
the results of data analysis and discussion, it was found an increase in the number
of Muslim tourists seen in 2013-2014 by 7.2%, namely Turkey 14,766, Malaysia
249,521 and Indonesia 158,739 (JNTO 2014). Effect the increasing number of
tourists, all elements related to tourism obtain benefits such as (1) government
that gives permission or makes Japanese policy, (2) private parties that provide
halal food and beverages which (3) a lot of travel bureaus offer satisfactory
services, (4) improve employment sector for the people who have handicrafts
Keywords: Muslim Tourism, Government Policy

Author Biography

Nursyahril Nursyahril

Jurusan Sastra Asia Timur


