An Analysis of Love andHappinessExpressions found in The Stolen Princess movie
Emotional expressions are important part ofcontrolling emotions in humans.The expression can be seen in various ways in the face of reaction to something or
someone. Loveand happiness expression as sign of human can beexpressed by
literal, and non-literal.This research describes the expression of love and happiness
through words in the movie. Happiness is described as a good feeling when the
people are successful in doing something. Love expression is defined as a feeling
in love to someone through a word or expression. The study examines the words
used to express love and happiness and the type of love ad happiness expressions
The Stolen Princess movie.
Ekman (2003) said that happiness is the emotion of most people want to
experience. According toMurray (2013)there are manydifferences in types of
happiness such as: nature happiness, social happiness, vocational happiness,
physical happiness, intellectual happiness, and humor happiness. While Parrot
(2001) stated that love has three types such as: affection, lust and longing.
The method used to analyze the data is qualitative research. The data is taken
fromthe script of movie taken from the internet.The data were taken from
TheStolen Princess movie to find out a word and type to express love and
From the analysis, the result shows love and happiness expressions can be
seen in various ways. They can be expressed literally, and non literally, such a
seen in metaphor and simile. In this movie the main characters used literal words
to express love and happiness. The research also found several of expressions love
and happiness in literal words this movie, in love expression are: love, wait and
like. Furthermore this researchof happiness found such as: Surprise, glad,
alive.Non-literal as a figurative language in love and happiness are: metaphor
”shining star” in love expression and simile “as silent as” in happiness
expression.Finally,it uses various word depends on the context explained in more
detail of events in the data. andit also used four types of contextsto make each
other based on love and happiness.
Keywords: basic emotions, love expression, happiness expression and context