AbstractSpeech act is the utterance to do an action. According to yule (1996) : definition of speech acts,actions perfomed via utterances are generally called speech when producing utterance, a speaker tries to influence or persuade the hearer to do what he or she intends in his or her speaking. To communicate is to express a idea, and the type of speech act being perfomed corresponds to the type of attitude being expressed. In communication, the people use communication to express his/her feeling,idea, or emotion.When producing utterance, the speaker can influence the hearer to do what he/she intends in his/her speaking. Succesful in communication depends on the way convinces the hearer and also how the speaker influence the hearer. In speech act theory, the speech act is the focus of attention because this what the speaker intends to do by uttering a sentence. Austin ( in levinson 1983:136) said there are three kinds of speech act:they are ellocutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act. Speech act does not only happen in daily conversation, but it also can be found in films, novels, and drama. In the two dramas is “the importance of being ernest and the woman of no importance” by Oscar Wilde. In the two drama i found speech act of expressive used.The speech act of expressivesinterm of say feeling or respond about someone‟s says. The speech act expresssion of this drama are thanking, welcoming, apologizing and congratulating. The purpose of analyze the function of speech act expression is to know about the using of it in daily life. Finally, through this scription, I hope to give advantage for the reader.
Keywords : expressive of speech act, thanking, apologizing, welcoming, congratulating
In daily conversation, people often use speech act. But, sometimes he or she does not realize when he or she uses it. Some utterances that are produced by the speaker can be classified as an action. It can be seen when producing an utterance; a speaker can influence the hearer. The speaker tries to influence or persuade the hearer to do what he intends in his or her speaking called speech act.
By using a language, people can give information to each other and express their idea. The language consists of utterance produced by speaker. The utterance in speech act not only produced by grammatical words but also followed by actions. It means, if people speak or produce utterances in the
form of words, phrases, or sentences it is considered by an action.
In speech act theory, the speech act is the focus of attention because this is what the speaker intends to do by uttering a sentence. Most of our daily conversations are speech act, including illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act. Speech act does not only happen in daily conversation, but it also can be found in films, novels, and short stories. These are interesting object to be analyzed.
In this research, the writer wants to analyze expressive of speech act found in two drama “ The Importance of BeingErnest And A Woman Of No Importance ” by Oscar Wilde. Before doing research about expressive of speech act as found in both drama, the writer will talk about basic kinds of action, Searle says that there are just five basic kinds of action, by means of the following of utterance : representatives, directives, commissives, expressive, and declarations. Nevertheles, there are certain recurring linguistic categories that do need explanation; for example, it appears that there are basic sentence-types, interrogative, imperative, and declarative are universals. ( SeeSadock&Zwicky, in press ).
The writer choosed the both of drama because there are many conversations between the characters in the drama and difference utterance to express their feeling.Here, form of expressive of speech act arethanking, welcoming, apologizing, and congratulating. In those drama, the writer found many expressive of speech act. When analyzing those drama, the writer uses the theory of Searle in Levinson (1983:240) that classified expressive of speech act into thanking, apologizing, welcoming, and congratulating.
In doing the research, the writer really expects that his research can give some contributions for linguistics in general, especially about pragmatics that focus to kinds of speech act. Then, the writer also hopes this research will give more information about expressive of speech act. In this research, speech act can give influence and some effects for education people, especially for Faculty of Humanities students.
In this research, the writer used descriptive method suggest that the research that is done based on fact or phenomenon only which empirically used by its speakers, with the result that the data are proceeding or noted in the form of language (Sudaryanto:1993). For that successively this chapter discussed about the source data, method and technique data collection, method and technique of data analysis, and method of representing data analysis.
The writer takes the data from drama “The ImportanceOf Being Ernest And The Woman Of No Importance”. It published in
2004. The writer choosed this drama because previous researcher has not analyzed it. After reading the drama, the writer found some utterances of speech act in it. So, the writer chooses them as data.
In this research, the writer would like to mention the method and technique. That are used for collecting the data that proposed Sudaryanto (1993) states observation method is observing the language that is uses in the research. Here, the researcher uses observation method. From this method, the writer observes types of directive function of illocutionary act, the context, and the writer notes the data in the card by using note-taking technique.
In this step, the writer uses identity method to analyze the data. in this step, the writer uses distributional method to analyze the data. Sudaryanto( 1993-15) says that a method which language as it self as the thing and it is a part that language. It means that the way of determining tool part that language it self. To support this method, the writer also uses dividing technique in analyzing data. The writer divided context into participant, place and event of the utterance. Then the writer identities the kinds of speech act as found drama “ The Important Of Being Ernest” that written Oscar Wilde from the context shows conversations or dialogue.
In presenting the result of data analysis, the writer used the method that is proposed by Sudaryanto (1993:145) that is informal method is formulated by using usual words or sentence or what the data it self. In this research, the writer applies informal method. To analyze the data, the writer use dividing technique in analyzing the data to support the method. The writer divides into participant, place and event of the utterance. Then, the writer identifies the form of sympathy expression.example : that is a very wonderful opening for so young a man as you are.
Analyzing and Finding
Speech act is the utterances that are produced by the speaker can be classified as an action to influence the hearer. The speaker and the hearer do occur in searle‟s early descriptions of the individual speech acts. Searle (1962:109ff) stated that there are five basic kinds of action that one can perform in speaking, by means of the following five types of utterance: representatives, directives, commissives, expressives, declarations.
The writer analyzes expressive of speech act based on theories as method on the previous chapters. The writer analyzes kinds of expressive function of speech act. The expressive of speech act that are found by the writer in the data are thanking, welcoming, apologizing, and congratulating.
1. Thanking
Thanking expression is act thanking, to express gratitude to someone for a favor. Thanking also means an expressions of gratitude kindly and grateful thought. Thanking expression is used to express the satisfaction about something that should be told to the hearer. The form of thanking that found by the writer in the two drama english can be seen in following example.
Here, the writer shows the data as follow:
Data 1
Lane : I believe it is a very pleasant state, sir. I have had very little experience of it myself up to the present. I have only been married once. That was in consequence of a misunderstanding between myself and a young person.
Algernon : I don‟t know that I am much interested in your family life, Lane.
Lane : No, sir, it is not a very interesting subject. I never think of it my self.
Algernon : Very natural, i am sure. That will do, lane, thank you.
Lane : Thank you, sir.
From the dialogue above, the writer found the expressive kinds of speech act. It can be seen from the utterance Algernon “ Thank You ”.of this utterance, Lane expresses an attitude about state appreciate, because Algernon interested with his family life which is natural. The topic of dialogue is about the thanking for Algernon because he has given appreciate to lane.
The presence of various forms of thanking expression
Forms of thanking expression
Thank You
From the table above, it can be seen from expression ‟‟thanks‟‟ it is often used especially between friends who have known kindly. At utterance thank you‟‟ expresses feeling that is deeply and this utterance is more complete. The expression above is used in the situation of informal and formal dialogue.
2. Apologizing
Apologizing expression is to make an apology, an allegorical narrative usually intended to convey a moral and admission of errors or discourtesy accompanied by an expression of regret. Apologizing is utterance to make apology, to offer an excuse for some injustice.
The example of Apologizing expression is: I‟m sorry, I cannot go there with you. This example is described apologizing expression. By employing the expression “ I‟m sorry “,the speaker expresses her regret to hearer because he/she cannot go with the hearer.
Data 1
Algernon : Did you hear what I was playing, Lane?
Lane : I didn‟t think it polite to listen, sir
Algernon : I’m sorry for that for your sake. I don‟t play accurately-anyone can play accurately-but I play with wonderful expression. As far as the piano is concerned, sentiment is my forte. I keep science for life
From the data above, Algernon expresses his apologizing to describe his apology to Lane. Algernon shows his apology by showing the uttering ’’I’m sorry for that’’. The participants are Algernon and Lane.
The presence of Various forms of apologizing expression
forms of Apologizing Expression
I‟m sorry for that
I‟ am sorry
I beg your pardon
I am sorry to hear it
I am sorry for the pain
I am sorry to say
I am so sorry
Based on the table above, the writer finds seven forms of the apologizing expression in the data. In the conversation from the dramas, the utterance I‟m sorry for that, I am sorry and I beg your pardon, I am sorry to hear it, i am sorry for the pain, i am sorry to say and I am so sorry often are used to express regret, asking pardon for a fault or offence or cannot help someone.
Welcome is expression of welcome someone. According to Clark(1977:229)‟‟ opening conversation is to start up a conversation, one person must get another‟s attention and signal the desire for a conversation and the other person must show
willingness to take part‟‟. From the drama, the writer find some data as follow:
Data 1
Algernon : How immensely you must amuse them!(goes over and takes sandwich) by the way, Shropshire is your country, is it not?
Jack : Eh? Shropshire? Yes, of course. Hallo! Why all these cups? Eh cucumber sandwiches why such reckless extravagance in one so young? Who is coming to tea?
Algernon : oh! Merely Aunt Augusta and Gwendolen
Jack expresses his welcoming to Algernon when he meets. They are talking about the country of Jack. The utterance of Hallo is welcoming to Algernon. The topic of dialogue is greeting to Algernon.
The presence of various forms of welcoming expression
Form of welcoming expression
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
My dear
Good bye
From the data above, it has six kinds of the welcoming that found in data. They are Hallo, Good morning, Good Afternoon, Dear, My dear and Good bye. The utterance “hallo” is often used to friends who has known very well and intimately. The utterance “good Morning” often uses while we meet someone in the morning until mid day about pass of mid night until 12 a.m. the utterance good afternoon often uses at 12 o‟clock at noon until 06.00 pm. Dear, my dear often uses while we meet someone that we recognize well.
4. Congratulating
Congratulating is to joy, to express sympathetic pleasure as (an event) to express vicarious. It is pleasure to a person on the occasion of good fortune.
Data 1
Lady Bracknell : (pencil and note-book in hand) I feel bound to tell you that you are not down on my list of eligible young men, although I have the same list as the dear Duchess of Bolton has. We work together, in fact. However, I am quite ready to enter your name,
should your answers be what a really affectionate mother requires. Do you smoke?
Jack : Well, yes. I must admit I smoke
Lady Bracknell : I am glad to hear it. A man should always have an occupation of some kind. There are far too many idle men in London as it is. How old are you?
Jack : Twenty-nine
This expressive function above can be categorized as congratulating. The utterance of Lady Bracknell’’I am glad to hear it. The congratulation expresses of Lady Bracknell because Jack should have an occupation of some kind. The participants are Jack and Lady Bracknell.
The presence of Various forms of congratulating expression
forms of Apologizing Expression
I‟m glad to hear it
I‟ am so glad
I‟m glad of that
That is a very wonderful
It is so very gratifying to hear
I am very glad to hear
It very nice
Based on the data above, the writer found that the data in different dialogue in some English drama. From the table above, the writer has found eight forms of congratulating expression that used to express congratulating to someone for example the congratulation on success.
Mey (1993:38) says that context is also more than a matter of reference and understand what things are about practically speaking. Context gives the utterance deeper „true‟ but not in a philosophical sense of the word or the surrounding in which contributes in his or her interpretation of what the speaker means.
The drama is speech act which produced an action by speakers so that the hearer understand what they communication in context. Because of that, the speaker must understand the context which they say.
As the conclusion, the writer finds utterance that contains the expressive function of speech act in the drama. They are thanking, welcoming, apologizing and congratulating.
In this research, the writer has analyzed the expressive of speech act in the two English dramaThe importance of being Ernest and A woman of no importance was written by Oscar Wilde. from the data, the
writer found thanking, welcoming, apologizing and congratulating. The writer has analyzed utterance of expressive function of speech act. By employing this research, the writer has found forms utterance that used in dialogue. From the data, the thanking are found thanks and thank you, welcoming found hallo, good morning, good afternoon,dear, my dear, and good bye, apologizing are found i‟m sorry for that, i‟m sorry, i beg your pardon, i‟m sorry to hear it, i‟m sorry for the pain, i‟m sorry to say, i‟m so sorry and congratulating found i‟m glad to hear it, i‟m so glad, i‟m glad of that, that is very wonderful, it is so very gratifying to hear, i‟m very glad to hear, it very nice.
From the data analyzed on the occurrence of the analysis, the writer gets conclusion that utterance of expressive function offer using in the conversation or dialogue. The speaker and hearer use it, to express their feeling to talk each other in daily activity.
I express thanks to Allah SWT, who has provided my precious health, give the writer strength knowledge and chance to complete this thesis.moreover, i extend shalawat and sallam to the excellent prophet Muhammad SAW, who has equipped human beings with perfect guidance live their lives on this tentative world.
In this opportunity, I would like to express my first supervisor Dra.Fatimah Tanjung,M.Humand second supervisorDra.Nova Rina,M.Hum,thanks for support, advices and time to accomplish this thesis. And all of the lectures at the Department who has provided me with comprehensive insight into english linguistics.
Then i would like to express my very special thanks to my big family, for my mother Srinamurti (ALM)and my father Nasrul. Thank you very much for your prayer, attention, support moril,determination,patience, your love and affection to me all this time. You are always the best for my life that has been raised me great my difficulty, meet all things that i need, to give me a big motivation to get success till up now, and still many more that I impossible write it here. I also say thanks very much to my brother hary albertand my sisters, rita, nike ,reka, reda, rena, fitri, and ica thanks for your support and your love for me. Then, all for my friends, fadly, ridho,reki,angga,parkel,roby,genta,fikri,atai,alul,dody alfayetthanks for your support you are my best friend.
And special thanks to my girlfriend Nova Resisa who always gives me love, attention, spirit, you have brought laugh and more understand me. And my partner work
febri thanks for your comment,ideas, and suggestion to me.
Most of all, to every one who has encouraged me i accomplishing this thesis. The writer highly appreciate genuinely accepts valuable suggestion as well as advices from the readers to improve my thesis.
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