Woman Resistance In Patriarchal Society As Seen In Jasmin Darznik’s Song Of A Captive Bird
In the novel Song Of A Captive Bird, Forugh Farrokhzad, the main character, faces unfairtreatments from the patriarchal society. These conditions lead her to resist the unfair treatments. Her
resistance is shown mostly through her poems. Based on the background of the problem, the purpose of
this research are (1) to analyze how are the women treated in patriarchal society as seen in Song Of A
Captive Bird (2) to analyze how are the woman resistance in patriarchal society as seen in Song Of A
Captive Bird.
Song Of A Captive Bird was published in 2018. So far, the writer has not found any study on
this novel. However, the novel itself has received comments from various critics. For this research, the
writer applies feminism theory. Cuddon states feminism literary is a way to analyze women’s lives and
experiences, it will examine the male domination. Feminism has many branches such as women’s
movement, gender inequality, women’s image in society, etc. Sultana (2010), states that patriarchy
refers to male domination both in public and private spheres, it implies that men hold power in all the
important institutions of society while women are deprived of access to such power. Wollstonecraft,
she states that women must stand for their rights and not allow their male-dominated society to define
what it means to be woman, and most importantly they must reject the patriarchal assumption that
women are in lower position from men.
This research is a qualitative research that uses the descriptive method. The object of the
research is a novel entitled Song Of A Captive Bird by Jasmin Darznik. It is conducted on the close
reading technique. The close reading technique is the mindful, disciplined reading of an object with a
view to a deeper understanding of it’s meaning (Brummet, 2009). The data collection are: (1) reading
the novel to find the data based on the formulation of the problems, (2) classifying the data based on
how the women treated in patriarchal society and the woman resistance in patriarchal society, (3)
interpreting the data which is found, (4) processing the data based on the theory used, (5) concluding
the data which is analyzed.
The result of the research are the treatment of men towards the women can be seen in several
aspects (1) gender inequality, (2) limited of choice, and (3) custom. From the gender inequality it is
divided into three aspects, which are private spheres it means the right of human-related in family and
home, public spheres means the right of human-related in public or society and education where
women get limited knowledge. The dominant data of women treated in patriarchal society is gender
inequality. The resistance that she performs are (1) composing a scandalous poem, (2) disobey her
husband, (3) custom rejection. Forugh composes scandalous poems to express what she feels about the
treatment of men in patriarchal society. She makes poems about her life, the freedom that she dreamed
and her passion. She writes about the unfair treatment that happens to her. In conclusion, Forugh
Farrokhzad has faced unfair treatment in patriarchal society and dared to express her resistance.
Keywords: Iranian Women, Patriarchal, Resistance