The work Discipline as One of Japanese People`s Characters (A Case Study Kyukamura Okudaisen Hotel, Kofu, Japan).
The Japanese success after World War II becomes evidence that they could be disciplineduring work because they have to chase their defeat from other countries. So that they make the
discipline as part of the characteristics and their work ethic in management or work life. The
discipline behavior appears due to two factors, first, the Bushido values which are still applied
until today such as makoto (sincerity), chuugi (loyalty), and the responsibility. The substance of
bushido is embarrassment. To prevent the embarrassment, they make themselves discipline.
Then, due to Japan's defeat in World War II, it makes them have to chase the defeat by becoming
discipline. Because of the two-factors, discipline is made as the work ethic in Japanese people. In
work ethic, it surely has a management which has to be obeyed by every employee in order that
the purpose or work can be reached. Because of this reason, the writer chose the employees of
Kyukamura Okudaisen hotel as the research object to observe their work discipline as the hotel’s
character and the work ethic. The discussion in this research were 1. How does the work
discipline become a characteristic of Japanese people? 2. How is the discipline as one of the
work ethic in a company? 3. How is the employees' discipline behaviour in Kyukamura
Okudaisen hotel?
The research method was a qualitative method by comprehending the research object and
describing it (Moleong, 2005:6). The technique of data collecting was by observation (Riduwan,
2004:104) and by spreading the questionnaire (Creswell in Sugiyono, (2016:192).
The theory used in the research was the theory of cultural value that explains the
behaviour and action, as well as the one's character, are the effects of the cultural values ( in
Parsons and Shils, 1965:411)
The result of the research was the discipline character of Japanese people is affected by the
bushido value and the defeat in the World War II that made the discipline as the part of the work
ethic for the Japanese people. These matters also occur in all of the employees in Kyukamura
Okudaisen hotel which show the high discipline during the working time. All of the employees
from the younger to the oldest and foreigner or Japanese employee always keep the discipline in
working. The conclusion of the research was the employees have the awareness of the discipline
importance toward the working continuity, and the awareness of the working efficiency to attain
the target from the company. Those are based on shame, high loyalty, responsibility, and to keep
harmony in working. Those have become evidences that the discipline is indeed a part of
Japanese people character. Meanwhile for the foreign employeesbthe surrounding conditions that
prioritize the discipline makes them have to do so.
Keywords: Work Culture, Work Ethic, Work Discipline, The Character of Japanese People